We're 2NE1

You guys miss us so bad, don't you?
What? You're dying because of that?
Tsk tsk.. We understand..
We've been out of sight for quite some time.
But don't die just yet.
Because we're back.
And you know what?

"Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh... We're 2NE1."

That's right, everyone. We're 21 already.



You don't realize anything, do you?



Okay. Okay. We admit it. We talked nonsense here. The truth is, CL isn't our unnie. It's the other way around. We're older than her.



Hmph. It's hard. *holding back the tears*

Anyway. Can we continue now?
We'd like to thank these people for making us feel special.

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Why I Hate "You're Beautiful"

I wonder why Indosiar keep replaying "You're Beautiful". Is it really a hit? Well, maybe I'm abnormal. I just don't like it. Here are some reasons why.

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My Excuse

Upon reading this, I was like, "Oh, I thought everybody loves YongSeo?"
Of course, I can think of many excuses for the poll result: YongSeo shippers don't care about poll, 2 PM has a large fanbase, etc.

Now I'm not worried anymore. Even if those excuses aren't true, I feel special instead. Cause I don't run with the crowd. (^___^)v

However, one thing still refuses to leave my mind. I've been asking myself: why do I love YongSeo so much?
Oooh, how can I answer this? I'm not sure I can find the right words to express how I feel. But well, let's give it a try.

I wasn't a SNE nor a BOICE. In fact, I knew nothing about Seohyun & Yonghwa. But from the first time I read the news about them to be paired up on WGM, I keep thinking, "Wow. They match each other so well."

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Ibu Ultah!!!


Since it's our mother's birthday, we'll use our mother-tongue.

Tau ga? Salah satu hal yang paling kami takuti adalah: Ibu nggak tau kalau kami cinta mati sama dia. (___♥)
Kami emang nggak bilang atau nunjukin hal itu setiap hari. Jadi, pada kesempatan khusus ini, kami pengen memastikan Ibu tau betapa kami sayang dia.

Hmm.. Uhuk uhuk..

Ibu cantiiik..
Kami cinta ibu
-sebanyak baju yang udah Ibu beliin buat kami
-sebanyak nasi yang udah Ibu masakin buat kami
-sepanjang jalan yang harus Ibu tempuh demi kami

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Happy Friendship Day

Based on my experience, these are what friends do:

- Be willing to tell you their password if you need to use their account.
- Take a candid picture of "that girl/guy you’ve had a crush on for months but never had the courage to talk to"(poopiness, 2010) for you.
- Text you, "Are you home safe?"
- Tell you that they miss you when you're not around for quite some time.
- Inform you about nice places to eat.
- Say they'll pick you up when you tell them you can't join a trip.
- Join you in cursing the guy who hurts you.
- Honestly squeal, "What color is that?" if you put the wrong color.
- Always find something to tease you about.
- Worriedly ask, "What's wrong?" when you just stare blankly for, like, 3 minutes.

Dear, friends...
Thank you for doing all you do
Life is worth living because of you
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♥ YongSeo ♥ Again

I don't mean to make an impression that this is a ♥YongSeo♥-centric blog, but I can't help talking about them.
First, I have to warn you. It's gonna be a corny post, with a lot of corny words. Since Kangen Band came up with the idea of "pisau cinta" (knife of love) and Take Me Out Indonesia with "dewan cinta" (council of love), I know that we can put any word before the word "love". So I'm gonna use that pattern, a lot.

Are you ready?

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괜찮아요? (Kwaenchanayo?)

No, we can't hold this any longer. We should express our deepest concern about Bonamana album (though it's a little too late to discuss it now since they already have a new repackage album).So, what is this post about? Yeoreobun, it's a matter of heart. It shows how much we care about Suju. Honestly, we've been worried about the health of our beloved namjas during the promotion of Bonamana. Why is it so?
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♥ YongSeo ♥

You know how i love YongSeo couple . They look so good together.

Dan saia dapet 1 kabar yang membuat saia sangat bersemangat.
Katanya nih, katanya...
Yonghwa bikin lagu buat Seohyun!!!
Lagu itu ada di album baru CN Blue, "Bluelove". Judulnya "Love Light". And it sounds so sweet...
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Fatikong Ultah!!!

Her actual name is Fatikhah, but she wanted to be called "Fatikong Bukan Anak Kingkong". So be it.

Fatikong is the type of girl you can't help getting mad at.
She sleeps in every class we attend (when i said "every class", it means "EVERY CLASS"). We (my friends and I) keep on nagging at her and she keeps on nodding. But few minutes later, she's in dreamland again.
Need more reason to get mad?
Fatikong often misuses her internet connection. She can stay up all night to do mosquito-knows-what. The most recent case: she is to do semiotic study of cin(T)a the movie. It's not yet done, but she's done downloading the schedule of World Cup 2010. >.<
Yup, she plays when she's supposed to work. We nag at her about that, too.
Surprisingly (and thankfully), she never gets mad back at us.

Okay, i have to admit that she's useful sometimes.
1. She won't be called "ppt queen" for no reason. I mean, she's got a complete collection of our lecturers' presentation slides! That's why she's the one I depend on if final exam is approaching. Not only me, I guess. Our classmates too. Can you imagine a total stranger came close, giving her his USB, and asking for her number? Well, he offered lunch too. Oh, what an opportunistic world.
2. She keeps me updated with latest news, both from college and showbiz. In fact, she is the first person to  inform me about Ariel Peterporn (What? You call this useful?).
The funny thing is, Fatikong owns this laptop she calls "Soleha" (means "religious girl"). She named it that way cause it just stopped working when it's supposed to play inappropriate video. Ha!

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Girl Group We Wanna Join...

...is 2NE1.

Uhm... beside the opportunity to wear gorgeous, colorful outfits? Well, we think we'll be safe among this girl group members.

1. CL
Proclaimed as the baddest female of K-pop. Don't you think it's gonna be okay to have her as our unnie? She can protect us when, let's say, G-Dragon starts teasing us or something.

Besides, we can be proud dongsaengs since CL-unnie is just so cool.
Kim Hyun Joong confessed that 2NE1's CL has caught his attention. He said, "After I've seen CL, I went 'Wa, that friend is really something', with a great impression."
Even Lee Hyori herself stated that she's keeping an eye on CL.

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Royal Pirates

Saya jarang ngikutin perkembangan band Korea.
Mungkin karena industri musiknya didominasi girlband & boyband.
Saya cuma ngerti FT Island ama CN Blue.
Yang terakhir ituh juga baru2 ajja kenal,
gara2 liat vokalisnya di variety show We Got Married.
Dia pura2 nikah ama magnae-nya SNSD, Seohyun.
He seems like a gentle husband anyway. So sweet~

Nah, dari situ saya terkena exposure lagu I'm A Loner
(wetoriya wetoriya daridiridaradu -- sorry, feel like singing each time I hear it).
Waktu jadi soundtrack di blog, langsung pada jatuh cinta juga kan?
Yah, paling nggak ada 3 temen yang ngaku kayak gitu.

Ohiyak, CN Blue is not our main topic this time.
Trus yang di atas itu buat apa coba???
Suka bleber ke mana2 deh.
Shouganai ne~ (^_^)v

Saya mau bahas soal temuan baru:

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Post kali ini bernuansa fanfic.
Buat yang gak suka pairing, cover urself from this contamination.

Para ELF (fansnya Suju) pasti uda akrab ama Eunhae.
Yep, itu adalah singkatan dari Eunhyuk-Donghae.
Pairing ini mulai populer sejak Suju Mini Drama. Di situ mereka dibagi jadi 2 kelompok & berkompetisi bikin drama kecil2an. Waktu tema dramanya "Dangerous Friendship", muncullah pasangan Eunhae ini. Since then, Eunhae has been garnering quite a lot of attention from netizens.
*niruin gaya allkpop*

Kenapa pairing ini bertahan dari gempuran waktu sementara yang lainnya menghilang?

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Girls vs Boys

Posting ini terinspirasi curhatan seorang teman.
Sebut sajja Bunga.
*Apa siy?? Suka males deh, hahaha*

Dari hasil diskusi tempo hari, saya menemukan satu pola umum yang membedakan antara cewek dan cowok.
Well, ini sekedar asumsi berdasarkan observasi seadanya.
Jadi belom terbukti reliabilitasnya.
Read it if u want, leave it if u don't.

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Role Model

Recently U2 recalled the old times together.
out of nowhere, a name of our past role model came up.
They were trio who become our childhood hero.
They were not just ordinary idol
s, but also friends we grew up with.

Nope, we're not talking about AB Three.
Indeed AB Three gained popularity (in oh-so-long-time-ago),
but for us, they can never defeat the sweet reputation of

Angel Daisy, Wedding Peach, and Angel Lily.
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가슴이 아파 (Kaseumi Apa)


Does it matter? Of course, it does. Helloow... remember this?

As if THAT isn't enough to make you stop breathing, MBLAQ released a heartbreaking MV just now.

Aargh!!! Lee Joon, if you don't stop doing that, all we can say is...

Well, okay. The problem is, who can stop loving Lee Joon?

Tell me, is it some kind of conspiracy to create massive broken-heart? It seems like they're racing to break our hearts all of a sudden. They're not trying to outdo the British smallpox conspiracy, aren't they?
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Mungkin sedikit ada degradasi kognitif.
Tapi semalam saya bertanya seperti anak kecil lagi,
mirip sekali dengan orang yang baru melek agama.

“Dan lagi Aku berkata kepadamu: jika dua orang dari padamu di dunia ini sepakat meminta apapun juga, permintaan mereka itu akan dikabulkan oleh BapaKu yang di sorga. Sebab dimana dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam namaKu, disitu Aku ada ditengah-tengah mereka.”
(Matius 18:19-20)

Tapi tadi malam saya berdoa sendiri, Tuhan.
Jika bersamaan dengan doa saya, ada sekumpulan jemaat sedang sembahyang di tempat lain,
di manakah Engkau memilih untuk hadir?
Apakah doa saya dimasukkan ke
dalam waiting list?
Apakah benar lebih mudah menemukan Engkau di gereja
daripada di kamar saya?
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Need For Drama

Emang yak, kadang ada saat di mana inspirasi macet total,
tapi kadang insight muncul seperti air hujan ditumpahkan dari langit.
Kata buku Piece of Mind,
inspirasi banyak datang saat kita berada di gelombang alpha.
Kebetulan belakangan ini saya sering hidup bersama si alpha
(bahasa mentereng: kontemplasi, bahasa jelata: ngelamun)
Jadi, harap maklum kalau tiba-tiba blog ini dibanjiri tulisan yang bernada sok filsuf.

Saya sedang heran dengan pemikiran manusia yang rumit.
Di psikologi, saya diajari bahwa tidak ada fakta objektif yang baik/buruk secara absolut.
Respon kita terhadap suatu hal ditentukan oleh PERSEPSI.
Pikiran manusia yang menentukan
apakah hal itu mengancam, biasa saja, menantang, atau menyenangkan.

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Sheila Ultah!!!

If Sunny is the aegyo queen of SNSD, Sheila is the aegyo queen of Renggali 3. She's cute as a button (by the way, i'm still wondering why they have this idiom. why button?). You have to hear her laughter. You have to hear her saying "Horai!" too.
All world-class photographers should really keep their eyes on this hidden talent. You'll be mesmerized by each pose she takes when facing camera.

Sheila enjoys her 4-hour bath. Okay, that's overstated. But she does spend a very long time showering. She will get out of the bathroom when Indonesia win the World Cup. Okay, overstated again.

But we really love her innocent nature. Together, Sheila & Ay2 (her soulmate in this boarding house) are true baby girls. It makes us feel that we have to take really good care of them.
Anyway, they -- especially Sheila -- adore cat so much (something that we can never figure out why). She treats every cat she meets as if it is a treasure trove. She could hang around for hours just to tease the cats or do in-depth talk about it.

Recently, Sheila and her boyfriend celebrated their almost-coincided birthday here.
They make such a cute couple that u can wish nothing but their happiness.
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1. You can't talk about honey thighs without talking about After School's UEE.

Apa itu honey thighs? Ada yang bilang, artinya "sweet-as-honey thighs" atau "charming-as-if-they-were-coated-with-honey thighs".
Seleb cewek yang paling sering diasosiasikan dengan "paha madu" (what the heck?) adalah UEE (After School). Katanya siy, Tiffany (SNSD) terpilih sebagai seleb dengan honey thighs terbaik, dan UEE ada di urutan kedua. Tapi kayaknya UEE ini yang selalu disebut-sebut kalau ngomongin honey thighs. UEE sendiri bilang, "the phrase honey thighs made me and defines who I am."

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Sesering kami memperkenalkan diri, sesering itu pula kami harus menjawab pertanyaan2 ini. Seperti Noe yang terus-terusan ditanyai arti "Letto". Bagai Sandra Dewi yang tak henti dipertanyakan kejombloannya. Layaknya Saiful Jamil yang selalu ditanya soal Dewi Persik.
So, if u think u're special for asking these questions, well, u're wrong.

1. Aduh, bedainnya gimana dunk?
Jawab: Time will answer. (Seriously. Temen2 yg udah lama kenal itu pada bilang, "Kalian kembar tapi ga ada mirip2nya ya.")

2. Yang lebih tua yang mana?
Jawab: Secara biologis atau secara kultural? Kalo secara biologis, Utin yang lahir duluan. Tapi, menurut budaya Jawa, yang lahir belakangan jadi mbaknya.

3. Adekmu kembar juga?
Jawab: Dipikirnya ibu kita pabrik anak kembar, apa? Enggak ya... Cuma ada adek cowok semata wayang, ganteng dhewe.

4. Pacarnya sering ketuker?
Jawab: ARE YOU INSANE?! Ga boleh jadi pacar lah, kalo ga bisa bedain kita!!!!!

5. Pengen punya cowok kembar juga?
Jawab: Kalo Marcel-Mischa mau, kita siy oke2 aja. Junsu-Junho juga ga pa-pa dink.

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Kembar Beda Ayah Lain Ibu (Part 3)

Here comes the third chapter of Look-Alike.

Ada Hongki yang (lagi-lagi) mirip ama anggota boyband laen. Pasti semua setuju kalo dia mirip banget ama Mir MBLAQ. Mir sendiri bilang kalo dia sering dimintain tanda tangan ama Primadonna yang ngirain dia Hongki.

Selain itu, anggota D-NA (Dae Guk Nam Ah) laris manizz di edisi kali ini. Ternyata mereka punya spesialisasi tampil mirip sunbae-nya (senior alias anggota boyband pendahulunya). Mungkin itu yang bikin nama mereka cepat meroket.

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I'm a Romantic Seme

You are a Romantic Seme!

A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.

Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke


That was the result of a quiz I took in a website-that-cannot-be-named-here.
A romantic one though...
Come to mama, innocent uke!

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Natural Look or Made-Sense Leader?

Aku pernah denger kalo peer-group cowok dan cewek punya pola yang berbeda dalam menentukan leader-nya.
Cowok2 cenderung menentukan pemimpin (as usual) berdasarkan pertimbangan rasional, yaitu kompetensinya. Sedangkan grup cewek biasanya memilih leader berdasarkan penampilannya. Yang keliatan paling "mengintimidasi", itulah yang jadi ketua.

Aku nggak tahu apakah itu berlaku secara universal atau nggak. Yang jelas, I often guess the leader of an idol group based on their looks and appearance. It's no surprise if I found myself surprised by how inaccurate my predictions are.

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The Next Suzanna

Banyak orang yang bilang aku mirip Suzanna. Tau Suzanna ga? Itu lhooow... Ratu film horor Indonesia. Masa' gitu aja ga tau.

Harusnya, lain lubuk lain ikannya, lain ladang lain belalangnya kan? Lha ini qo, udah pindah sekolah, teteeep aja dibilang mirip Suzanna.
Bakatku untuk mirip sama Suzanna udah kelihatan pas SMP. Temen2 mulai manggil aku Suzanna. Hindoon lebih tega lagi. Dia manggil aku "Sunder" dan berulang kali berusaha nyabut paku di kepalaku.
Di SMA, dengan temen-temen yang beda, I thought I was safe. Sampai suatu hari ada yang bilang, "Unin, kamu mirip Suzanna ya," dan aku hanya bisa terbelalak.
Pas kuliah, jelas kan, temen-temennya beda lagi. Guess what. Mereka tetep berhasil menemukan Suzanna dalam diriku.
Berarti emang kemiripan ini bersifat objektif ya.

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Ontin Ultah!!!

This girl has impressed me since our first acquaintanceship. We hardly knew each other, but she was willing to share her blanket with me. That's when we were about to sleep at the tent after a full day of freshman orientation. And just so you know, it was dreadfully cold.
Then (still hardly knew each other), we were sitting side by side at the 'Pengantar Ilmu Politik' class. Out of the blue, she wrote on my notebook, "unin heart ontin". Well, that's when I know, she's a loving person.

More and more story about her began to unfold. Turns out that she was an Indonesian exchange student, attending James Buchanan High School in Mercersburg, US for a year. Everyone says that she's pretty and smart. There's something in the way she talks that makes you think you don't wanna miss it.
I instantly become a fan of hers. I envied her in many ways. Well, who'd have thought that I could be close to her? Now, instead of being envious, I feel happy if things are going great in her life.

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Celeb & Fat

Kayaknya kalori disikapi dengan berbeda oleh bangsa yang berbeda.Kita tau, orang Mauritania ngefans berat sama kalori.Sebaliknya, orang Korea sangat anti-kalori. I just figured it out myself.These bellies had become a hot topic among netizens for their so-called fat (which I can hardly see).
Goo Hara's (MV Lupin)
Tiffany's (MBC Gayo Daejun)

Eunjung's ("I Go Crazy Because of You" live performance)
Park Bom's (2009 Cyworld Digital Music Awards)
Laaah... Terus gimana kalo yang ini jadi artis Korea?

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I have no idea... 
Why on earth some people choose to be backstabbers? 
Are they satisfied to see the scar they made to the people close to them?

But--for all of the victim of this kind of crime--maybe you should thank them for doing that to you. 
It can be a golden opportunity to learn about human nature. 
It's also the best way to learn how to manage your own emotion.
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MV Parody

My favorite. Laugh my pants off.

1. Super Junior - Happiness

Credit: xSadieWorldx@YouTube

2. Big Bang - Haru Haru

Credit: poopiness@YouTube

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Pak Bamby Ultah!!!

When you:
- pick a dress for us
- tell a lame joke
- change the channel when we're watching it
- be late to attend an event
- enter our room to say, "Why do you keep on watching those videos?"
we can't help but raising eyebrows and sigh.

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Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

I bet u've heard this saying for a thousand times.
Kenapa tiba-tiba aku tergelitik untuk membahas peribahasa ini?

U know, i'm so into K-thing. Jadi, kalo nge-net, yang dilihat ya makhluk-makhluk kkotboda itu. Yang mengusikku adalah: this girl keeps on appearing before me, even when I'm NOT looking for her.
Siapa cewek eksis itu? Yakin nih pengen tau? Jangan salahin aku lho kalau kalian bosen denger nama ini lagi.
She is...
Iya, Yoona-nya SNSD ituh...

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Smashing Newcomer

Karena dikasih radio ama Pak Bamby, U2 punya rutinitas baru tiap jam 13.00-15.00. Di Sasando FM ada acara yang muter lagu2 Mandarin & Korea gitu (sekarang lagu Jepang juga mulai diputer).

Waktu itu, ada yang request lagu dari SMASH. Apaan tuh? Gak pernah denger sebelumnya. Waktu diputer, ternyata lagu Korea. Cocok pula ama kuping. Heavenly deh.
Trus coba2 cari lagunya di internet. Cuma masukin keyword SMASH gitu. I have no clue what the title of the song is. Trus nemu yang judulnya Never Ending Story. Langsung nempel di hati tuh lagu. Bukan lagu yang diputer di radio sih, tapi gak kalah heavenly.

Setelah SHINee (Love Should Go On), baru kali ini aku jatuh cinta ama lagu tanpa ngerti wujud penyanyinya. Akhirnya aku download mini albumnya di sini.

Cuma 3 lagu sih. Tapi bagus2. Setelah browsing lebih jauh, aku baru tahu kalo mereka emang baru aja debut. Pantesan belom kenal. Yang jauuuh lebih penting, ternyata mereka cakep2.
Kalo pengen ngerti, bisa lihat profilnya di sini.

Wah, senengnya nemu harta karun baru!!
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Just A Theory

Cuma pengen nanggepin posting penuh emosi di bawah itu, sekalian bikin blog ini lebih intelek.
Jadi begini...
Saya menemukan teori yang sangat cocok dengan kondisi Utin saat ini. Saya berpapasan dengan teori ini saat mengerjakan tugas UAS Sistem Komunikasi.
Beginilah bunyinya.

"... it [fandom] can also be a painful experience, involving high expectations and vicarious emotional attachments that make the fan potentially vulnerable. Fandom can also have a downside for the object of affection since fans can be fickle and unforgiving and will ultimately desert."
(McQuail, 2005:446)

Gosh... what a theory.
Saya pribadi setuju bahwa fanatisme itu sangat menyiksa. Jadi inget jaman2 suka Westlife... *menerawang*
Anyway, cermati lagi teori itu. Every sentence counts.
Sekarang, kita ambil Utin untuk studi kasus kita.
*tanda2 mabuk Siskom*
- She has high expectation on Eunhyuk
- She's emotionally attached to Eunhyuk (to the point where she thinks she's MARRIED to him)
- She becomes vulnerable
- She can be unforgiving when it comes to Eunhyuk
- She's fickle and she desert Eunhyuk for SHINee

Sekian saja. I wanna make this post least harmful to read.
Happy, merry final exam, Everybody!
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He Has Cheated On Me

Sebenernya males semales-malesnya buat ngepost soal ini.
Udah capek marah2 ke Eunhyuk.
Pengennya sih nyumpel2in info ini ke alam bawah sadar aja.
Hilang ingatan juga gapapa deh.

Tapi udah kepalang basah.
Hati udah tercabik2.
Luka itu menganga di dalam dada, berdarah-darah.

Datte, aku pikir uneg2 ini perlu disalurkan biar gak bikin eneg sendiri.
Kalo ditahan2 bisa mencekik leher, memblokir asupan oksigen, dan berakibat pada cacat otak permanen.
*saraf lebay masi berfungsi dengan baik*

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