My Mini Sea World

Saya mencoba hal baru untuk akuarium saya, memutar haluan dari fresh water ke salt water. Bukan perkara sederhana lho. Akuarium harus dimodifikasi dulu supaya sesuai untuk desain sirkulasi air laut. Nah, persoalan itu saya pasrahkan saja kepada toko yang berwenang. Hehe. Singkat cerita, beginilah hasilnya...

Hal yang saya sukai dari ikan air laut adalah warnanya yang mencolok dan bentuknya yang terkadang surreal. Makhluk seperti itu mungkin hanya dapat ditemukan di kertas gambar anak-anak TK yang imajinasinya tak terbatas. Kalau beberapa ikan air tawar punya tubuh menggelembung, ikan air laut cenderung lebih ramping. Bisa jadi itulah bentuk adaptasi mereka terhadap habitat aslinya yang punya tekanan air dan arus yang kuat. Karena bodinya yang "tipis", mereka lebih mudah menyelinap di antara terumbu dan bebatuan. Kegesitan ini juga membedakan mereka dari ikan air tawar. Ikan-ikan air laut gemar keluar masuk lubang-lubang di bebatuan. Udah mirip kartu ATM aja.

Mari saya ajak mengikuti tur dunia bawah laut untuk mengenal makhluk-makhluk di dalamnya...
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Trip with KAI

For some reason I had to go on a solo trip to Jakarta earlier this week. I wouldn't tell too much about Jakarta. Many people who are registered and/or considered as long-term citizens in Jakarta would have much more detailed description about it. But, as a matter of fact, I still prefer Klaten or Jogja as the place to live in.

As the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta is a giant incubator of social problems. The good side about Jakarta is the public transportation system that reaches almost every area in Jabodetabek (though you might spend hours in traffic jam). Ah, there are also many interesting events & entertainment facilities there. I should have stayed a little longer in Jakarta to attend SMTOWN concert. But, it's such a shame that I didn't buy the ticket. :b

Anyway... In this very occasion I'd like to share about the public transportation that brought me to Jakarta and back. I took Argo Lawu to set off. Argo Lawu is a train which started from Sta. Solo Balapan at 8 AM with the final stop in Sta. Gambir Jakarta. By taking the morning train, I could enjoy the scenery along the way and I would arrive in Jakarta at 5 PM, not so late at night...

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These days there are talks about PSY everywhere. I don't know if I should take pride in it, but I have a special kind of affection toward PSY even way before Gangnam Style. It's because he's somehow connected to my favorite couples: YongSeo and Amazing Couple.

PSY teased Yonghwa about Seohyun and gave him dating advice.

PSY as Hyun Bin's "substitute".

PSY and Ha Ji Won keep a good relationship. Ha Ji Won is one of those celebrities who cheered on PSY before Gangnam Style was released.

Now that PSY is doing very well with Gangnam Style, I'm so happy for him. Really. ^^
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Gangnam Style

Many people has fallen into Gangnam Style phenomenon -- for you who never heard of it, let me give a preliminary information. Gangnam Style is a Korean song by PSY that became a viral hit just in few weeks after its release.

Let's have a closer look to get more understanding why such random MV can attract the most viewers in Youtube.

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