Royal Pirates

Saya jarang ngikutin perkembangan band Korea.
Mungkin karena industri musiknya didominasi girlband & boyband.
Saya cuma ngerti FT Island ama CN Blue.
Yang terakhir ituh juga baru2 ajja kenal,
gara2 liat vokalisnya di variety show We Got Married.
Dia pura2 nikah ama magnae-nya SNSD, Seohyun.
He seems like a gentle husband anyway. So sweet~

Nah, dari situ saya terkena exposure lagu I'm A Loner
(wetoriya wetoriya daridiridaradu -- sorry, feel like singing each time I hear it).
Waktu jadi soundtrack di blog, langsung pada jatuh cinta juga kan?
Yah, paling nggak ada 3 temen yang ngaku kayak gitu.

Ohiyak, CN Blue is not our main topic this time.
Trus yang di atas itu buat apa coba???
Suka bleber ke mana2 deh.
Shouganai ne~ (^_^)v

Saya mau bahas soal temuan baru:

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Post kali ini bernuansa fanfic.
Buat yang gak suka pairing, cover urself from this contamination.

Para ELF (fansnya Suju) pasti uda akrab ama Eunhae.
Yep, itu adalah singkatan dari Eunhyuk-Donghae.
Pairing ini mulai populer sejak Suju Mini Drama. Di situ mereka dibagi jadi 2 kelompok & berkompetisi bikin drama kecil2an. Waktu tema dramanya "Dangerous Friendship", muncullah pasangan Eunhae ini. Since then, Eunhae has been garnering quite a lot of attention from netizens.
*niruin gaya allkpop*

Kenapa pairing ini bertahan dari gempuran waktu sementara yang lainnya menghilang?

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Girls vs Boys

Posting ini terinspirasi curhatan seorang teman.
Sebut sajja Bunga.
*Apa siy?? Suka males deh, hahaha*

Dari hasil diskusi tempo hari, saya menemukan satu pola umum yang membedakan antara cewek dan cowok.
Well, ini sekedar asumsi berdasarkan observasi seadanya.
Jadi belom terbukti reliabilitasnya.
Read it if u want, leave it if u don't.

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Role Model

Recently U2 recalled the old times together.
out of nowhere, a name of our past role model came up.
They were trio who become our childhood hero.
They were not just ordinary idol
s, but also friends we grew up with.

Nope, we're not talking about AB Three.
Indeed AB Three gained popularity (in oh-so-long-time-ago),
but for us, they can never defeat the sweet reputation of

Angel Daisy, Wedding Peach, and Angel Lily.
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가슴이 아파 (Kaseumi Apa)


Does it matter? Of course, it does. Helloow... remember this?

As if THAT isn't enough to make you stop breathing, MBLAQ released a heartbreaking MV just now.

Aargh!!! Lee Joon, if you don't stop doing that, all we can say is...

Well, okay. The problem is, who can stop loving Lee Joon?

Tell me, is it some kind of conspiracy to create massive broken-heart? It seems like they're racing to break our hearts all of a sudden. They're not trying to outdo the British smallpox conspiracy, aren't they?
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Mungkin sedikit ada degradasi kognitif.
Tapi semalam saya bertanya seperti anak kecil lagi,
mirip sekali dengan orang yang baru melek agama.

“Dan lagi Aku berkata kepadamu: jika dua orang dari padamu di dunia ini sepakat meminta apapun juga, permintaan mereka itu akan dikabulkan oleh BapaKu yang di sorga. Sebab dimana dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam namaKu, disitu Aku ada ditengah-tengah mereka.”
(Matius 18:19-20)

Tapi tadi malam saya berdoa sendiri, Tuhan.
Jika bersamaan dengan doa saya, ada sekumpulan jemaat sedang sembahyang di tempat lain,
di manakah Engkau memilih untuk hadir?
Apakah doa saya dimasukkan ke
dalam waiting list?
Apakah benar lebih mudah menemukan Engkau di gereja
daripada di kamar saya?
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Need For Drama

Emang yak, kadang ada saat di mana inspirasi macet total,
tapi kadang insight muncul seperti air hujan ditumpahkan dari langit.
Kata buku Piece of Mind,
inspirasi banyak datang saat kita berada di gelombang alpha.
Kebetulan belakangan ini saya sering hidup bersama si alpha
(bahasa mentereng: kontemplasi, bahasa jelata: ngelamun)
Jadi, harap maklum kalau tiba-tiba blog ini dibanjiri tulisan yang bernada sok filsuf.

Saya sedang heran dengan pemikiran manusia yang rumit.
Di psikologi, saya diajari bahwa tidak ada fakta objektif yang baik/buruk secara absolut.
Respon kita terhadap suatu hal ditentukan oleh PERSEPSI.
Pikiran manusia yang menentukan
apakah hal itu mengancam, biasa saja, menantang, atau menyenangkan.

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Sheila Ultah!!!

If Sunny is the aegyo queen of SNSD, Sheila is the aegyo queen of Renggali 3. She's cute as a button (by the way, i'm still wondering why they have this idiom. why button?). You have to hear her laughter. You have to hear her saying "Horai!" too.
All world-class photographers should really keep their eyes on this hidden talent. You'll be mesmerized by each pose she takes when facing camera.

Sheila enjoys her 4-hour bath. Okay, that's overstated. But she does spend a very long time showering. She will get out of the bathroom when Indonesia win the World Cup. Okay, overstated again.

But we really love her innocent nature. Together, Sheila & Ay2 (her soulmate in this boarding house) are true baby girls. It makes us feel that we have to take really good care of them.
Anyway, they -- especially Sheila -- adore cat so much (something that we can never figure out why). She treats every cat she meets as if it is a treasure trove. She could hang around for hours just to tease the cats or do in-depth talk about it.

Recently, Sheila and her boyfriend celebrated their almost-coincided birthday here.
They make such a cute couple that u can wish nothing but their happiness.
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