Cuma pengen nanggepin posting penuh emosi di bawah itu, sekalian bikin blog ini lebih intelek.
Jadi begini...
Saya menemukan teori yang sangat cocok dengan kondisi Utin saat ini. Saya berpapasan dengan teori ini saat mengerjakan tugas UAS Sistem Komunikasi.
Beginilah bunyinya.
"... it [fandom] can also be a painful experience, involving high expectations and vicarious emotional attachments that make the fan potentially vulnerable. Fandom can also have a downside for the object of affection since fans can be fickle and unforgiving and will ultimately desert."
(McQuail, 2005:446)
Gosh... what a theory.
Saya pribadi setuju bahwa fanatisme itu sangat menyiksa. Jadi inget jaman2 suka Westlife... *menerawang*
Anyway, cermati lagi teori itu. Every sentence counts.
Sekarang, kita ambil Utin untuk studi kasus kita.
*tanda2 mabuk Siskom*
- She has high expectation on Eunhyuk
- She's emotionally attached to Eunhyuk (to the point where she thinks she's MARRIED to him)
- She becomes vulnerable
- She can be unforgiving when it comes to Eunhyuk
- She's fickle and she desert Eunhyuk for SHINee
Sekian saja. I wanna make this post least harmful to read.
Happy, merry final exam, Everybody!
Jadi begini...
Saya menemukan teori yang sangat cocok dengan kondisi Utin saat ini. Saya berpapasan dengan teori ini saat mengerjakan tugas UAS Sistem Komunikasi.
Beginilah bunyinya.
"... it [fandom] can also be a painful experience, involving high expectations and vicarious emotional attachments that make the fan potentially vulnerable. Fandom can also have a downside for the object of affection since fans can be fickle and unforgiving and will ultimately desert."
(McQuail, 2005:446)
Gosh... what a theory.
Saya pribadi setuju bahwa fanatisme itu sangat menyiksa. Jadi inget jaman2 suka Westlife... *menerawang*
Anyway, cermati lagi teori itu. Every sentence counts.
Sekarang, kita ambil Utin untuk studi kasus kita.
*tanda2 mabuk Siskom*
- She has high expectation on Eunhyuk
- She's emotionally attached to Eunhyuk (to the point where she thinks she's MARRIED to him)
- She becomes vulnerable
- She can be unforgiving when it comes to Eunhyuk
- She's fickle and she desert Eunhyuk for SHINee
Sekian saja. I wanna make this post least harmful to read.
Happy, merry final exam, Everybody!