Boyfriend - I'll Be There

I can't stop watching this MV.

At first, the song didn't amuse me that much. But the more I listen to it, the more it grows on me. I get addicted to it.
In the MV, Donghyun is so squeezable (means: I want to squeeze him real tight!). I really like his move right after he sings "bandeushi". I don't know why. Hahaha..
And Hyunseong.. Oh, somehow he looks sooo manly.
Aaack! Everyone is just so handsome! (*,*)

Wait. Am I a BestFriend now?
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Merry Xmas 2011


Some people are singing, "Santa Claus is coming to town".
But, they may forget to welcome Jesus.

Some people are cleaning their house and church.
But, they may forget to clean their heart and soul.

Some people are buying new clothes to show off.
But, they may forget to renew their faith.

Some people are busy decorating their tree.
But, they may forget to fix their misbehavior.

Lord, please shed us some light...
to feel the true spirit of Your birthday,
to let You stay in our hearts,
to live each day according to Your words. 


It's christmas cake that we got yesterday
So many blessings God gave us through others
May we be blessings for others too

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Cinnamon, Bukan Bistro

We just went to a cafe near our boarding house. It's just around the corner, Jl. Cempaka No. 32 Yogyakarta.

The menu offers wide variety of cuisines, really. You can find Thai food (e.g. tom yam), Italian food (e.g. pizza, spaghetti, calamari, carbonara), and even Indonesian food. You can choose to have appetizer and dessert too. There are snacks, pancake, ice cream, salad, and many kinds of beverage.

Hot Chocolate (7.5 K)
(looking at the pattern, we would love to learn this barista-thing)
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A Letter to My Gatotkaca

Apa kabar? Udah makan belum? Makan dulu gih, biar kuat baca surat ini.

Lihatlah apa yang dilakukan 3 temanmu ini. Kok sempat-sempatnya ya, kami nyusun "proyek jahat" ini?
Pas nulis ini, aku juga baru sadar. Segini gedenya ya, rasa peduli kami ke kamu. Di tengah suasana Natal dan tahun baru, aku harus mikirin kamu. Mulai dari brainstorming sampai eksekusi.
Fiuh.. Sebaiknya kamu terharu..

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Pondok Makan Pelem Golek

Last week my father was invited by the owner of Pelem Golek, Mr. Agus, due to a business plan of expanding his family restaurant to teenager-segmented-restaurant. Pelem Golek is a huge restaurant with a natural concept. There's even a waterfall from a river in the backyard. We should walk down a stony path to get there. It reminded me of Tawangmangu.

Pelem Golek is decorated with Javanese ornament and there is a complimentary testimony from Butet Kartaradjasa that is carved in a big wooden board. It is entitled "Proklamakan". The parking area is quite wide and the capacity of the restaurant is up to 3000 people. It's located on Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km. 7 No. 99 Yogyakarta, in front of Hyatt Hotel.

Mr. Agus treated us free meal that he chose by himself. So, it might be their highly recommended menu. They are: Sup Seafood Tofu Jepang (60 K), Gurame Saus Mangga (8.5 K/oz.), kepiting goreng tepung, & ca kangkung.
*sorry, we can't give the exact name and price for some foods because we didn't get a chance to examine the menu (^_^)v

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My New Passion

Saya punya hal baru yang bikin hidup terasa lebih "penuh" dan berarti: piaraan! Bukan, kali ini bukan bishounen. Emang sih, bishounen tuh cantiknya gak ketulungan dan gampang pula perawatannya, tapi piaraan saya sekarang bikin saya semangat bangun pagi & gak bosen-bosen nengokin (mungkin orang rumah yang bosen lihat saya mantengin piaraan). Hahaha.

Mungkin saya & kembaran saya agak berbeda dari cewek pada umumya. Sementara yang lain sibuk mempercantik diri dengan perawatan & berburu kosmetik serta aksesoris, kami nggak begitu tertarik ama yang begituan. Saya sendiri lebih milih buat memelihara sesuatu sebagai media pengembangan diri. Sebenernya hobi baru saya ini banyak terpengaruh oleh kareshi. Jadi mohon maaf sebelumnya kalo posting kali ini agak (atau sangat) kareshi-biased. Hehehe.  (^_^)v
Sumpe ya... tu orang kalo berpropaganda bikin saya langsung manggut-manggut mupeng & segera melakukan seperti yang dia katakan. Mungkin dia punya prospek cemerlang di bidang advertising. ^_^

Kareshi adalah pecinta makhluk hidup. I mean it, he loves and understands any kinds of plants & animals. Saya ingat suatu saat saya berniat membunuh nyamuk kegatelan. Dia langsung mencegah saya dengan bilang, "Kasian, nyamuk tuh cuma cari makan di periode hidupnya yang singkat."
Oke, walaupun gak sampai bercucuran air mata haru, saya pun mengurungkan niat untuk memburu nyamuk. Hal itu juga berlaku buat semut, lebah, dan serangga-serangga meresahkan lainnya.

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