Korean Guys

So I stumbled upon a YouTube video in which a fangirl is irritated by her guy friends because they keep calling K-idols gay.
Well, actually this thing -- people calling Korean guys gay -- starts bothering me too. Maybe it's true what CNBLUE said to their fans, "You are fool. You became to like us. When we were hurt by cruel words, you cried before we do. You are fool."
Yes, I'm a fool. Hearing people say mean things about K-idols, I'm hurt too.

Actually, this isn't just about K-idols. Indonesian (or Asian) guys are prone to be the victim of this whole 'this-is-so-gay' scorn. You know the Indonesian guy who kissed Katy Perry, right? He made his way to NY Post. Guess what kind of comment appears? Yup. "He looks gay..."
Seriously, people. What makes a man gay? His appearance? No. A man is gay when he has a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same gender. A man who looks so manly can be gay too. Okay?

Not to mention that I think 'gay' shouldn't be used as an insult. What would you feel if, let's say, people use 'this-is-so-Indonesian' as an insult? If you're Indonesian, you'll be badly hurt, won't you?
Well duh, they're gay, and they'll be badly hurt if you use 'this-is-so-gay' as an insult. Please, have respect.
I once read 'this-is-so-gay' comment on YouTube, and someone responded to that comment, "It's either you're gay or you're not. There is no such thing as 'so gay'." He/she got the point, though. We can't say "you're so heterosexual" either, can we?

Back to the K-pop world. I know some people who keep criticizing K-pop male idols. "Are you sure they're boys? bla bla bla..."
Well, here's a news flash: THEY'RE BOYS, just with different culture (and you're just being racist).
Yes, they look cute, and their actions are cute. How can they not? They live in a country full of cuteness, for heaven's sake. Even the manliest of them have their cute moments.
"And 'cute', Leo, that's just the kiss of death." -- Kate & Leopold
Yup. That's exactly what makes all these fangirls melt: their cuteness. Just because you can't be cute, don't take it out on our idols.

And what do you say about the boys touching each other?
Well, you can check in Aronson's book, "Social Psychology", that the level of touching between friends of the same gender in Korea is relatively high. It's just their culture, so chill out!
Personally, I find it sweet how these men value their friendship so much. And they have no problem showing their affections to each other.

I have to admit it. If I see boys in my country do the same, I'll be like, "Huh?! Seriously?!"
But that's the beauty of K-pop. They can do all these things, and we don't mind. In fact, we ship them. ^^v