The King 2 Hearts

Last but (absolutely) not least: The King 2 Hearts.

Through The King 2 Hearts, Ha Ji Won was able to reunite with PD Lee Jae Gyu. She worked with him before in Damo (2003), the project that introduced her to the world of action. If you remember, Ha Ji Won revisited Damo in one of Secret Garden episodes. About this particular scene in Secret Garden, Ha Ji Won said, "Re-encountering Chae-Ok after such a long time is both a thrilling and happy thing. Because Damo was a drama that was very important in bringing me to this point, Chae-Ok is especially dear to me. To be able to act as Chae-ok through Secret Garden brings back old memories."

Ha Ji Won's character, Chae Ok, is a Joseon-era policewoman

Secret Garden
Ra Im was holding a script entitled "Are You In Pain? So Am I."
As a matter of fact, that's one of the most famous lines from Damo.
HJW joked in Secret Garden DVD Commentary
that she was Ha Ji Won's stunt double. Haha.

Errr... why am I talking about Damo and Secret Garden here?
Okay. Back to The King 2 Hearts.

The King 2 Hearts is penned by the Hong Sisters, Hong Jin Ah and Hong Ja Ram (not to be confused with the other Hong Sisters, Hong Jong Eun and Hong Mi Ran, who wrote You're Beautiful and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho). PD Lee and this set of Hong Sisters had teamed up before for Beethoven Virus.
So... PD Lee, Writer Hongs, and Ha Ji Won. Sounds promising, right?

That's actually the reason why Lee Seung Gi picked up this project. He had a dream of working with PD Lee and Ha Ji Won. I understand why he wanted to work with PD Lee. Aside from his impressive resume, PD Lee is well-known as a very sincere director. "One of the nicest I've met," Seung Gi said. And from what I've seen in BTS videos, he is as cheery as Ha Ji Won. No wonder they're very close.
As for Ha Ji Won... Well, Seung Gi was one of those SeGa fan boys. Since then, he always wanted to act with Ha Ji Won.

2010 SBS Drama Awards
On the red carpet, Seung Gi said that he wanted to work with Ha Ji Won

He even said it directly to Ha Ji Won when they met at an event (I guess, it was the 48th Savings Day celebration, where Seung Gi received the President's Award for Savings and Ha Ji Won received the Prime Minister's Award for Savings). In an interview post-TK2H, Seung Gi shared the story of that meeting, "I met Ji Won noona at an event a few years ago. At that time, I told her I wanted to act with her sometime, but Ji Won noona didn't say anything and only giggled. So inside, I felt disheartened thinking I had been rejected. However, when I got to know her, Noona tends to be very shy and gets embarrassed easily and has a cautious personality, and so after things were finalized later on, she said she acted that way because she wasn't sure we'd be able to work together." (cr: LSGfan)

The 48th Savings Day event in October 2011

Thanks to TK2H, Lee Seung Gi was able to fulfill the two wishes. In regards to working with Ha Ji Won, he said, "I've always wanted to work with Ha Ji Won, my dream came true. A lot of times you're disappointed when a situation doesn't meet your expectations and dreams, but we have an even better chemistry than I had ever expected and I am learning a lot from her."
Indeed, the chemistry between Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won is evident. They proved that they could make this combination work. You know, when it was first announced that Ha Ji Won would be partnered with Lee Seung Gi in this drama, many people were having doubts. There's a large 9-year age gap between the two. Besides, people still couldn't move on from Lee Seung Gi - Shin Min Ah and Ha Ji Won - Hyun Bin pairings from previous dramas. Well, it turned out to be a groundless concern. Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won make a great couple.
In fact, Ah-Ha (Hang Ah - Jae Ha) couple is ockoala's favorite OTP of 2012. She said, "Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won as Lee Jae Ha and Kim Hang Ah in The King 2 Hearts. The South Korean Prince-turned-reluctant-but-courageous-King and his North Korean trained officer Queen. Nine year age difference between the actors? WHAT nine year age difference? Their love story was sexy, sweet, and epic." You can read her list of the best and worst K-drama OTPs of 2012 here.
I've told you before that Seung Gi really likes this noona. In various interviews during and after TK2H, he always picked Ha Ji Won as the co-star who left the deepest impression on him. He even changed his ideal type to Ha Ji Won. Aww. No wonder many people ship this couple.

Okay. Enough with the pairing. So, how's the drama?
It's amaaazing. You don't wanna miss it. If Secret Garden gets mixed reactions, the response for The King 2 Hearts is relatively similar. People who watch it love it! Donnapie, girlfriday, ockoala, they all love it. Even my anti-Hallyu cousin loves it. This drama is a complete package. You get the right amount of romance, comedy, and action.

What? You don't like political drama? You think I was excited about it?
To be honest, I started this drama mainly for Ha Ji Won. I had prepared myself to be bored to death by the story. But boy was I wrong. I enjoy it. A lot.
It's the same for girlfriday of dramabeans (I love her! Her recaps for TK2H are hilarious!). She thought it would be sleep-inducing drama, but it's not. This is what she wrote about Episode 1. "Okay, this show cracks me up. I just didn't know what to expect going in, thinking it'd be Daemul-meets-IRIS, judging from the uninspired promos. They made me yawn, those suckers. But I'm happy to report that The King 2 Hearts is a dark comedy, and pretty damn pitch-perfect at that."

That's why I don't get the low viewer ratings in Korea. International fans love it! And honestly, it would be impossible for them not to be stressed by the ratings. So, they created this video to show support for this drama.

Donnapie put TK2H in the 4-star ranking, and wrote, "You may not be a winner in terms of the ratings but in terms of your script, the directing, your actors and everything else that your show represents, you truly deserves the title of KING." You'll know how much she loves the drama from this series of posts.
TK2H might not get into ockoala's Top 10 Dramas of all time, but it's her favorite in 2012. "If there was a drama that just made me feel alive when watching it, this is it. And that makes TK2H a winner in my eyes." You might want to check ockoala's 2012 year-end drama reviews here.
In her own year-end review, girlfriday wrote, "It wasn't the best drama of the year, or the most sensical, but I laughed out loud, cursed at the screen, and bawled my eyes out watching this show more than any other this year." Read the complete review here (and find out girlfriday's favorite couple of the year).
Well, my sister and I didn't watch that many drama this year. But among those dramas we watched, TK2H is our favorite too.

Anyway. I find it amusing that TK2H has such special meaning to Lee Seung Gi. I heard that he quit 'Strong Heart' and '1 Night 2 Days' to concentrate on this drama (but he clarified that it's just coincidental?). He's also actively involved in the production process. He suggested additional scenes here and there to make the drama even better. This scene is one of them.

(cr: The King 2 Hearts with Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won)

Then, in the last scene of Episode 20, Lee Seung Gi was the one who added the line "Saranghae".
"Because I thought about how Jae Ha has never spoken this phrase to Hang Ah before. ... Was trying to find the whole script but was unable to find those 3 words, felt that I must say those words, even though it might feel very weird, and the opposite actor might also misunderstood, but if it is Lee Jae Ha, he will still say it. So I carefully suggested it to the director and he said that we could try it, and it turned out to be quite good, and this has become the ending scene of the show."
I guess this is when Seung Gi tried to convince PD Lee to add "Saranghae" in Jae Ha's lines.

(cr: DC TK2H & The King 2 Hearts with Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won)

Ha Ji Won in the drama
Upon watching the first episode of TK2H, Moon Geun Young took to her mini-homepage, "My hearts is pounding -- I'm so envious, in awe and in respect." Then she made a second post saying, "I watched 'The King'. Ha Ji Won eonni is so awesome and I'm so envious -- I felt crazy. So I was a bit sad too. But I thought to myself and made a determination saying, 'Just wait till I come back! Stronger than ever!' "
Well, you're not alone, Geun Young. In her final comments for the drama, girlfriday wrote, "I'll be honest--I've always thought Ha Ji Won was over-hyped, but here she was amazingly tough, vulnerable, and believable, no matter how insane the situation seemed. She grounded everything. Perhaps it makes a great deal of difference to play a character who's consistent from beginning to end."

Even among Ha Ji Won's fans, Hang Ah is a favorite. @hajiwonworld tweeted, "Been watching Wonnie's movies/dramas since 8 years ago. I find that Kim Hang Ah is the most complete n well written."
In TK2H, Ha Ji Won goes from absolute ganji (slang for cool, fashionable) to extreme cute freely in no time. At the wrap party, PD Lee complimented her, "Ha Ji Won is an actress that turns imagination into reality."

To Ha Ji Won, Hang Ah is an awesome character, even more than herself. Keke. She said, "As I was doing this project, I spoke a lot about how if I was a man and there was a woman like Hang Ah, I would marry her. She's a very mature and amazing woman that I had a lot to learn from. She especially didn't give up her bomb-like love. She helped me to learn the power of when a person you believe in believes in you as well."
That's why Ha Ji Won wanted to be a wife like Kim Hang Ah. "I think, if I have a husband, I will love the way she does."

I personally like how she's dressed in the drama. Well, Hang Ah is a future queen. No wonder her fashion is Kate Middleton-ish.

And the way she's being badass in those fabulous dresses... *die*
"I love the things this girl can do in a skirt. She's so my kind of badass - I like this rifle, but, does it go with my outfit?" -- girlfriday

Memorable things
1. Leggy scene
The most famous part of Ha Ji Won's body is probably her legs, thanks to Wonder Girls' 2008 hit song, "So Hot". If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard it already, here's a tip: the rap part of the song contains the lyrics 아름다운 내 다리는 좀 하지원 (My beautiful legs are a bit [like] Ha Ji Won's).
In an early episode of TK2H, there's a scene where Ha Ji Won, dressed in North Korean military uniform, sitting on a desk while showing off her shapely legs. According to a source from the production, Ha Ji Won seemed shy to expose her legs before the shooting. But she soon showed off her professional skills by performing well and making a serious face.
Super Junior's Leeteuk posted an incredibly hilarious parody of this scene to his Twitter. He tweeted, "Same thing, different feel. I have a lot of time [to spend]," along with the photo below.

Well, actually, leggy scenes are sprinkled in latter episodes too. Told you. This girl kicks ass in skirt.

This is why Ha Ji Won is perfect for the role Kim Hang Ah.

2. Fridge kiss
This is one of the most talked-about kiss scenes in 2012. In an interview with MBC's Section TV, Seung Gi was asked about all the buzz surrounding the scene. He said, "The response was pretty explosive. Many said it was way sexier than they had imagined. I think it gave a lot of nervous excitement for viewers. I heard that I really seemed like a player." (cr: LSGfan) Well, guess what. The BTS is even sexier.
I laughed out loud when this scene made a cameo in sitcom 'Standby'. The boys' reaction was priceless. (Oh, Simon D, come on. It's not like you can't reenact the scene. You have Lady Jane anyway.)
At the end, the boy said, "Ah~ Lee Seung Gi. I'm so jealous. Aren't you?"

(cr: DC LSG & Tryp96)