Raising Children

Today is Indonesian Mother Day and it motivated me to write about the role of a mother. Anyhow, this post may never cover all things mothers do for her children. It's just a little thing that pops up my mind a lot recently: an enormous effort to raise children in their early age.

Have you seriously done babysitting for, let's just say, one full day?  I haven't. I meet a toddler almost everyday in my house but I only get a few hours to take care of her. Within the short span of time, this babysitting activities often exhaust me to death. Equipped-with-developmental-theories-me still feel lost when it comes to practical reality.

That's why when girls, who still whines all the time about her boyfriend or her busy schedule, say that they can't wait to have baby, I guess she never deals with a baby for real. Don't get me wrong, I like children and I want  to be a good mother. I just don't think that having children can be decided hastily. It's not enough to be ready, but you have to be strong physically, emotionally, and financially. It's not a vacation, it's a lifetime duty.

Do you know that babies are like sponge?
They are ready to absorb all information around them. You must be really careful guiding them across their golden age. For an effective learning, you have to stimulate them enough but not too much. For mothers who don't talk much, you have to be more talkative in front of your baby. It will be one-way communication for quite a long time though, but you are not allowed to be bored or tired. You can't just leave your children to play by themselves as long as they don't cry. The formation of their brain nerves connection is on-going and you are the person in charge.

Do you know that the timing holds important role in learning?
You see, there are sequences of cognitive development. In early years babies tend to learn based on sensorimotoric stimulation and it extends from birth until the acquisition of language. After approximately 2 years, they will step on preoperational stage where there's an increase in playing, pretending, and using symbol. Nonetheless, they do not yet understand concrete logic and cannot mentally manipulate object. So, it may not be the perfect time to shove math down their throats. Don't take pride in forcing them to do what they shouldn't do. Our education system has basically considered this, so it will be better if you don't overstep it.

The time they are exploring the world is when you will need a great amount of energy. They will be wandering to every corner of your house, opening every door and drawer, grabbing every item within their reach, and generally 'ruining' your peaceful tidy life. They will be slipping and stumbling, but you can't stop them. What will you do then? Will you punish them? Let me tell you, there are times when your expression of anger will not be understood nor taken seriously. You just have to follow their games. ^_^

I'm not trying to scare you. I just want to remind you that's just a little hurry-scurry that mothers should sip (and all mother-to-be should prepare too). With great affection comes great emotional attachment. This attachment remains eternal for the kids and will be especially dominant during the episodes of sickness or sorrow. Even when the kids have grown up, they will never get rid of it. Mother will always be our sanctuary because we know she loves us unconditionally. She sacrifices almost every part of her life to raise us.

Now, are you happy for who you are? If the answer is yes, thank your mother right away.