Developmental Thingy

Robert Havighurst got negative sentiment from my friends for his Developmental Task Model. Here is the most controversial (and sensitive) part of Havighurst's (1972) theory for them...

In ages of 18-30, people needs to complete these developmental tasks:
  • Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of both sexes.
  • Achieving a masculine or feminine social role. 
  • Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively. 
  • Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults. 
  • Preparing for marriage and family life. 
  • Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior. 
  • Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.
  • Selecting an occupation.
(why don't you mention "completing thesis" anyway??)

Well, Erikson (1963) set the prior argument with his Stages of Psychosocial Development. He stated that young adults (19-40 years) have basic conflict of intimacy vs isolation. They need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.

With all due respect, dear Mr. Erikson and Mr. Havighurst, some people do not grow according to your model, but they still have a really good life. Please understand them who keeps questioning the righteousness of your theory. Maybe you guys have put a big deal of pressure upon them. Some of them have tried hard to keep up with it, but they're still lost somewhere... They just need a little while to adjust... Trust me, they have their reasons and they actually have great potential.

FIGHTO MINNA....!!! (^____^)9

*This is supposed to be motivational post. But if you find this offensive, maybe there's a little intention in me.  Hahaha (^_^)v
** Well, I'm not perfectly developed either. Let's just laugh it off and chill out. Each of us grows in slightly unique way.