Korean Guys

So I stumbled upon a YouTube video in which a fangirl is irritated by her guy friends because they keep calling K-idols gay.
Well, actually this thing -- people calling Korean guys gay -- starts bothering me too. Maybe it's true what CNBLUE said to their fans, "You are fool. You became to like us. When we were hurt by cruel words, you cried before we do. You are fool."
Yes, I'm a fool. Hearing people say mean things about K-idols, I'm hurt too.

Actually, this isn't just about K-idols. Indonesian (or Asian) guys are prone to be the victim of this whole 'this-is-so-gay' scorn. You know the Indonesian guy who kissed Katy Perry, right? He made his way to NY Post. Guess what kind of comment appears? Yup. "He looks gay..."
Seriously, people. What makes a man gay? His appearance? No. A man is gay when he has a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same gender. A man who looks so manly can be gay too. Okay?

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Iklan Axis

Heran deeeh...
Ini guweh aja yang kurang usaha atau emang susah banget nemu iklan Axis yang enak dilihat?? Kalo gak sadis, ya gak masuk akal. Iklan-iklannya selalu sukses bikin dahi mengkerut dan pada akhirnya mengundang keriput.
Ni yaaa.. mulai dari si blak-blakan yang mo dibakar pas lebaran, dance-dance geje, ampe perdukunan. Hedeeh...
(_ _")
Tapi berkat Axis, masyarakat jadi ngerti definisi "internet untuk rakyat," yaitu.... mie rebus pake sawi, telor, & bawang goreng.

Makasih Axis... kau telah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.

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King of Media

My spare times (that stand upon guilty feeling for ignoring my thesis project) mostly spent by doing my hobbies and being couch potato. I'm not really fond of TV actually, maybe it's a result of adaptive adjustment for living in TV-less boarding room.  ^_^

Coming back to television world, I realize something. For me, the corporation that deserves the throne of "King of Media" in Indonesia is Trans Corp. Seriously. They have various kinds of quality TV shows. Many categories, such as cooking & culinary, adventure, quiz, documentary, comedy, and talk show... all are presented well. Most of them are not only entertaining, but also enrich my knowledge.

Their programs have become trend setter for the other TV stations.  No wonder though... their breakthrough do amuse audience. They introduce many creative innovation in TV show, from that low-budget-youtube-video-collection to high-effort-prank-show. You must've noticed how their infotainment concept, culinary show, and comedy program is emulated by the other TV stations.  They even offer sinetron that's different from the classic (and annoying) mainstream. It's made as close as possible to Korean-Japanese style, you can tell from the cinematography, language use, and costume.

Well, there's only one weakness. I don't like their shows which involve a lot of fake tears, e.g. Termehek-mehek & Jika Aku Menjadi. Errrgghhh, it's clear to see that the storyline has been manipulated.

Here is another reason strengthening their position as "King of Media" for me: they spread their wings to become a giant empire in entertainment industry. They already build Trans Studio, an amazing indoor playground  that can be compared to Disneyland. Now, they create mytrans.com where we can watch all of their programs online. Well, congratulation for them...
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Warming Tool

Musim penghujan sedang merahmati sekaligus menghantui bumi pertiwi. Sumber air melimpah, membawa  penghidupan bagi berbagai jenis makhluk hidup. Tapi jentik-jentik nyamuk merajalela, banjir di sini-sana, dan mental malesmandi menggelayuti jiwa. Err, mungkin karena saya baru sembuh dari penyakit-antah-berantah yang diikuti oleh demam, jadi bawaannya hidrofobik aja.

Saya emang lagi gak tahan ama cuaca belakangan ini. Apalagi kostum sehari-hari saya di rumah, t-shirt tipis dan celana pendek, sama sekali gak ampuh menangkal hawa dingin. Jadi, saya menambahkan beberapa alat bantu, seperti jaket dan kaos kaki. Yea yea, I know that is called "fashion crime" to wear socks and shorts at the same time. But who cares as long as I don't shiver.

The other properties that really help are my new super-cute slippers. It's a birthday and christmas (and maybe new year) gift  from my Induk. Thank you so much for keeping my feet warm, Nduk...

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New Year Blessing

Maybe you wonder what did I do to welcome new year of 2012. Umm, it's okay if you don't.
*brooded in the corner*
Well, I'll tell you no matter what. Actually, I was hospitalized in new year eve for undiagnosed illness. Blood test, urine test, and USG showed nothing wrong with my body. But, it felt like hell just to walk, to sleep, to urinate, and even to breathe.

But, this experience really shed a light on me. I realize that it's such a blessing to be able to take a deep breath, enjoying oxygen as much as I can, to sleep comfortably in any position, to walk everywhere my heart tell me, and to laugh as loud as I can.

Someone took this pic when I sat powerlessly on hospital bed
while my mom fell to sleep on couch due to fatigue
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Work of Love

I spent my holiday wrapping doorprize for christmas celebration inda neighborhood. It was supposed to be my brother's duty. I agreed to help him, but then I'm kinda absorbed in it and almost forgot to do anything else. Therefore, in 4 days I finished those gifts by myself (well, with a little help from my mother, brother, kareshi, and a friend -- that came a long way  from Jogja with initial vision of refreshing but ended up doing romusha here).

Fiuuuh... now that it has come to an end, I realize how it brutally snatched my youth away.
Though it will be ripped away in the end, I feel proud of myself for I had been able to do all those works. I created all the decorations with my own hand. I took a long time wrapping each and every item, but I came to realize that I have creative and artistic sides inside of me. Hahaha.

The Contents of The Gifts:  Blocknote (40), Mug (13), and Keychains (20)
* ordered from Apple Creatives, thanks to Kareshi *

The Whole Gifts

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