I've been coming up with older man-younger woman couples up till now. It's time for younger man-older woman couples. I have nothing against this kind of relationship, really.
*self justification, because most of my biases are younger than me*
So I permit Onew to court Jung Ah. Why Onew? Simply because he chose Jung Ah as his ideal type. I mean, a girl has to date a guy who adores her, right?
For choosing Jung Ah, Onew received many praises, including from me. Haha.. Yea, I must admire him. When he's in the same company with SNSD, when After School has other gorgeous members, when every man in the planet picks Yoona as their ideal type, why he chooses Jung Ah? (okay, Onew had picked Yoona before, but only Yoona-in-makeup-CF).
Onew's eyes are only for Jung Ah?
I think these photos are from Idol Star Athletic Championship 2010. Was Onew trying to get Jung Ah's attention or am I reading too much into these pictures? Hohoho..

I was once broken-hearted in place of Jung Ah because of Onew-Lizzy thing. But then again, Onew also tried to approach UEE. So, is he buttering them up so he can get close to Jung Ah? Oh, sneaky Onew! (or delusional me?)