How would you feel...
when you are happy with something
but everyone doesn't seem happy for you?
What if they tell you to find another happiness
right from the moment they find out?
What if the reasons are just so out of reach
'cause it's already clung on you
since the day you were born?
Will you feel so powerless...??
But, how can you tell them properly...
when they don't even have a will to know?
They don't know how you strugle so hard to get it.
They don't know how you develop its story.
Each time you try to share,
they keep on pouting.
Their hearts have been closed so tightly.
No single crack to break in.
You have to cheer alone in the ups,
and cry alone when you're down.
You can only stay in the silence
when they push you to the corner,
pointing the bad sectors.
Can you defend yourself
when you have no one on your side?
How it keeps you alive in the crazy world,
doesn't it ever cross their mind?
How it helps you a lot these days,
do they consider it?
What you fear is...
if someday the happiness will ever come to an end,
they will relentlessly tell you,
"We've told you it's not for you."
Where should you search for consolation?
Can they give you a respectable alternative?
Should you merely stay away from your happiness
to make them all happy?
Is it the risk of living in the collective culture?
You have to live the happiness according to their standards
instead of having the happiness with your own way.
There may be a lot of people around you,
but you feel that you're walking alone.
Kono sekai wa sabishii desu ne...

but everyone doesn't seem happy for you?
What if they tell you to find another happiness
right from the moment they find out?
What if the reasons are just so out of reach
'cause it's already clung on you
since the day you were born?
Will you feel so powerless...??
But, how can you tell them properly...
when they don't even have a will to know?
They don't know how you strugle so hard to get it.
They don't know how you develop its story.
Each time you try to share,
they keep on pouting.
Their hearts have been closed so tightly.
No single crack to break in.
You have to cheer alone in the ups,
and cry alone when you're down.
You can only stay in the silence
when they push you to the corner,
pointing the bad sectors.
Can you defend yourself
when you have no one on your side?
How it keeps you alive in the crazy world,
doesn't it ever cross their mind?
How it helps you a lot these days,
do they consider it?
What you fear is...
if someday the happiness will ever come to an end,
they will relentlessly tell you,
"We've told you it's not for you."
Where should you search for consolation?
Can they give you a respectable alternative?
Should you merely stay away from your happiness
to make them all happy?
Is it the risk of living in the collective culture?
You have to live the happiness according to their standards
instead of having the happiness with your own way.
There may be a lot of people around you,
but you feel that you're walking alone.
Kono sekai wa sabishii desu ne...