First, I have to warn you. It's gonna be a corny post, with a lot of corny words. Since Kangen Band came up with the idea of "pisau cinta" (knife of love) and Take Me Out Indonesia with "dewan cinta" (council of love), I know that we can put any word before the word "love". So I'm gonna use that pattern, a lot.
Are you ready?
Well, these days, my mind has been fulfilled with this lovely couple; to the point where I think there's a "conspiration of love". You know Da Vinci Code, right? I've been feeling as if I'm Robert Langdon, and Yonghwa is Da Vinci. It's like, everything he says, everything he does, is a code: "code of love" (you wanna throw up? me too).
These are what I've found:
1. Since he "got married", Yonghwa had always said on TV that his ideal type is Seohyun. But lately, he dares to mention other girl's name: Ueno Juri.
At first, it gets me frustrated. How could he do that to his pure, innocent wife? But after scrounging around, I finally found the answer I want (not necessarily true. but this is what I want, so I decided to believe it).
Hypothesis: Yonghwa has been accused of faking his feeling toward Seohyun. With him talking about Seohyun on TV all the time, some people think he's doing too much for the show. They doubt it that he feels and behaves the same off-cam. That's why he stopped mentioning her name on-cam (maybe. well, who knows?). But still, I think his answer is a code. What code? Stay tuned to find out. :p
2. CNBlue is about to hold their first solo concert in Korea. In a recent radio show, they were asked which woman celebrity they want to invite to that concert. Yonghwa answered, Ueno Juri. What's with this woman, actually? Ta da, that's the code I'm going to tell you.
Hypothesis: read this.
So, he wants to invite Ueno Juri to please Seohyun, perhaps? Or, it could be an inside joke, cause when he said "Nodame Cantabile", he sounded really happy (genxv, 2010).
3. Again from that radio show. The boys were asked to name one person they want to invite to their first concert (not necessarily a celeb). Yonghwa said that he wanted to invite his home dog, Jjing. Then, fans started to imply that Jjing is more important than Seohyun.
Hypothesis: Helloouw, am I the only one who recall the nickname Seohyun gets from SNSD members? It's "Jjing Jjing-ie", isn't it? You can find it in episode 4.
Okay, maybe Yonghwa does have a dog named Jjing. Yeah, so? In the end, he said that the answer is just for fun, right?
Yep, you may say that I only see what my eyes want to see. You're right. My ♥YongSeo♥-shipper soul is blinding me.
This post might be edited anytime, in case I break another code.
Or should I make a new post? Whatever. Que sera-sera... :p