When you:
- pick a dress for us
- tell a lame joke
- change the channel when we're watching it
- be late to attend an event
- enter our room to say, "Why do you keep on watching those videos?"
we can't help but raising eyebrows and sigh.
But when you:
- call us and say, "Why don't you come home?"
- smile from ear to ear every time you find us home
- squeal "Oh, it's time?" when we're heading back to Yogya
- repaired my heels at the church
- went through a lot of troubles to get my GPA fixed
- drive us to places we need & want to be
- give us guidance regarding life
we know that you are irreplaceable.
We love you a lot. You are our first and eternal love.
Please be healthy always.
P.S. We made this childish card cause it seems like we're always gonna be your little girls. Each time we're watching an almost-kissing scene, you're going, "Oh no! You're not supposed to see this." For a while, we forget that we're 20 and nearly close our eyes.