How can i describe her? (yes, it's "her", not "him")
She's mostly described as "funny" by others.
Well, i'd have to agree. Luki is bubbly, she can't stop talking (while i can't stop laughing). And somehow, she sets the trend in the way we (my friends and i) talk.
As for Utin, she calls Luki "the unbeatable fun girl". Luki is busy with all her activities, yet she never forgets to have a good time. As Ontin said it, "Luki won't let the works stand on her way to having fun." Then, how does she amuse herself? Anything cultural. She's so into it.
Last but not least, Luki is lovable. There's no reason to hate her. She helps people, and she's genuine.
Dear Luki,
thank you for taking care of me all this time (and yea, for the rides too).
So far, i really enjoy the time we spend together.
You're an amazing girl. So tough and independent. It's like, u can do everything. That's why i call u "Wonder Girl".
*I want nobody, nobody but you...
no! no! not the one who sing that song*
Now that u getolder more mature, i'm pretty sure u'll be even better.
P.S. Since u admire falling leaves, we made this greeting card for u. Hope u like it.

How can i describe her? (yes, it's "her", not "him")
She's mostly described as "funny" by others.
Well, i'd have to agree. Luki is bubbly, she can't stop talking (while i can't stop laughing). And somehow, she sets the trend in the way we (my friends and i) talk.
As for Utin, she calls Luki "the unbeatable fun girl". Luki is busy with all her activities, yet she never forgets to have a good time. As Ontin said it, "Luki won't let the works stand on her way to having fun." Then, how does she amuse herself? Anything cultural. She's so into it.
Last but not least, Luki is lovable. There's no reason to hate her. She helps people, and she's genuine.
Dear Luki,
thank you for taking care of me all this time (and yea, for the rides too).
So far, i really enjoy the time we spend together.
You're an amazing girl. So tough and independent. It's like, u can do everything. That's why i call u "Wonder Girl".
*I want nobody, nobody but you...
no! no! not the one who sing that song*
Now that u get
P.S. Since u admire falling leaves, we made this greeting card for u. Hope u like it.